The SATURN mission, selected in the call of ALCOR programme’s “Future CubeSat Missions”, reached a first important milestone with the completion of the #PreliminaryRequirementsReview, concluding successfully phase A feasibility study.
The Review’s closing meeting was held last month and was attended by the #ASI-Agenzia Spaziale Italiana and by #OHBItalia’s teams, #PrimeContractor, together with the other project’s partners (ARESYS, AIRBUS and Politecnico di Milano).
This Preliminary Requirements Review was essential to develop a highly challenging distributed and miniaturised #SARsystem based on #CubeSat technologies. The project is now moving into another important step: the #PreliminaryDesignPhase, which will already include the prototypes’ realization and testing of mission’s key technologies in the coming months.
By using three small satellites flying in #formation within a #swarm, SATURN is able to redistribute the resources required for a large “monolithic” SAR across several #smallerplatforms, exploiting appropriate recombination of the signal received by each node in the swarm. In this way, SATURN aims to overcome the limitations of bigger satellite and to implement a #scalablesolution with #increasedperformance based on the number of satellites in the formation.
#space #cubesats #satellite #future #project #miniaturized #technology #prototypes #ARESYS#AIRBUS #PolitecnicodiMilano