(MicroWave Imager)

MetOp SG is a joint project of the European Space Agency and Eumetsat (EPS) that will make available in few years the most accurate weather forecasts ever performed.

OHB Italia S.p.A. is responsible for the MWI instrument that will be on board of three satellites. MWI is a conically-scanning microwave radiometer that provides measurements of precipitation, observations of clouds, snow, sea ice coverage, water vapor, temperature and surface images.

Under a programme of and funded by the European Space Agency. The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency


Power: 220 W
Mass: 250 kg
Sensor Head Dimensions: D 1.6 m, H 1.75 m
Continuous rotation: ~ 200 million revolutions in space at 45 rpm
Multi-beam architecture with 24 channels from 18.7 to  183.31 GHz
Data rate: 1200 kbps


(Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer)

It is an Earth Observation programme co-funded by the European Space Agency and EU member states in the frame of the ‘High Priority Copernicus Missions’. Agenzia Spaziale Italiana played a key role in financing the CIMR mission.

OHB Italia S.p.A. is responsible, as subcontractor for the development and production of the CIMR instrument in relation to the two satellites.

CIMR is a conical scan multi-frequency microwave radiometer featuring multi-beam architecture, the largest antenna of its kind, state-of-the-art advanced radio-frequency interference detection and blanking techniques. It will ensure global daily coverage with 6 hourly-revisit in Arctic areas, for high-spatial resolution observations of sea-surface temperature, sea-ice concentration, sea-surface salinity and a wide range of other sea-ice parameters, providing a fundamental contribution to climatology and environmental sustainability.

Under a programme of and funded by the European Space Agency. The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency


Power: ~ 1kW
Mass: ~ 800 kg
Large rotating unfurlable mesh reflector (7.4 m projected aperture, f/D = 1)
Multi-beam architecture with 25 dual polarization channels at 1.4, 6.9, 10.65, 18.7 and 36.5 GHz
High spatial resolution: 4 km @ 36.5 GHz, 5 km @ 18.7 GHZ and 15 km @ 6.9 & 10.65 GHz
Global coverage every day: ~ 95%, (6 hourly-revisit in Arctic Areas)
Advanced Radio Frequency Interference detection and blanking algorithms on all channels
Data rate: ~7000 kbps