Genesis is a unique observatory that will measure the Earth from space with millimetric detail. The satellite will use for the first time in space history the main geodetic technologies simultaneously to map our Planet.
Genesis will orbit at an altitude of 6.000 km combining the major geodetic technologies on the same platform aboard a satellite: Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI); Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Receiver; Satellite Laser Ranging (SRL); all synchronized by an Ultra-Stable Oscillator (USO), a high-precision compact instrument used to provide a stable frequency.
The Genesis mission is part of the FutureNav programme approved by the ESA Council at ministerial level in November 2022 in Paris.
The objective of the mission is to contribute to an updated global Earth model, the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF), with an accuracy of 1 mm and a long-term stability of 0.1 mm/year. This state-of-the-art spatial geodetic observatory, will allow the distortions in each method to be identified and overcome. This improvement will have a major impact on multiple navigation and Earth science applications, including the Galileo navigation system and the ‘precise orbit determination’ of all other space missions.
Under a programme of and funded by the European Space Agency. The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency
OHB Italia responsabilities as Prime Contractor: |
Project management |
System e engineering coordination |
Construction of the Ground Segment |
Procurement of launch services |
Two years of satellite operations |
(PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione Applicativa)
PRISMA is a satellite developed for the Italian Space Agency by a consortium with OHB Italia S.p.A. as Prime Contractor.
It is the first European Satellite with an hyperspectral instrument and a panchromatic camera on board. It was successfully launched atop a Vega launcher in March 2019 from Arianespace Spaceport in Kourou, French Guyana.
Now PRISMA is in orbit and It is acquiring, downloading, processing, delivering fundamental images for monitoring our Planet.

Activity carried out under ASI contract.
Succesfully lauched on March 22nd, 2019 |
Revisit time: 7 days |
GSD: 30m |
Frequency Bands: 240 |
Spectral Bands: 0,4 – 2,5μm |
Swath: 30km |
Area of Interest: 70°North ÷ 70° South |
On-board Data Storage: 448 Gbit |
Imaging Capacity: 200.000sq km/day |
Payload Power: ~ 450W |
Mass: ~ 800Kg |
Dimension: 1,75m x 1,54m x 3,4m |
(National Advanced Optical System)
It is an Earth Observation mission for Luxembourg Government. NAOS is a very high-resolution optical satellite system developed by OHB Italia S.p.A. as Prime Contractor.
The NAOS contract is an end-to-end agreement for the provision of the satellite and of its ground segment.
NAOS Space Segment:
- Composed of one satellite, placed in Low Earth Orbit
- Equipped with a very high-resolution optical camera
NAOS Ground Segment:
- Characterized by a distributed architecture
- All the relevant Centers are connected through a Ground Communication Network in order to allow system management
LAUNCH planned in 2024 |
The European Space Agency and OHB Italia have signed an important contract for the development of 24 satellites (first batch and second batch) as part of the IRIDE constellation in the frame of PNRR (Piano Nazionale Ripresa e Resilienza),
IRIDE stands as one of the most prominent European space programs in the field of Earth observation. Its realization is set to occur in Italy through the Government’s initiative, leveraging resources from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) supplemented by the funds of the National Supplementary Plan (PNC). IRIDE is a satellite system which is expected to be operational by June 2026, under the coordination of the ESA-European Space Agency, with the involvement of the ASI-Italian Space Agency.
OHB Italia will deliver a constellation of Eaglet II satellites and the related Flight Operation System (FOS).
OHB Italia is responsible for the following activities: satellite development, launch, in-orbit management and dual-use space asset, which provides an unprecedent persistent surveillance capability. Services generated by the constellation will be destined to marine/terrestrial surveillance; climate change; atmospheric monitoring; security; emergency management.
Under a programme of and funded by the European Space Agency. The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency
N. of Satellites: 12 |
Orbit: SSO 467Km |
Revisit time: 30min |
Imaging Capacity: 100 – 400 (with polar station) |
Payloads: optical/AIS |
X Band: Data transmission to the Ground Segment until 100Mbps |
Memory: 32GB |
Dimension: 20cmx20cmx50cm |
Mass: 25Kg |
Operative Life: min. three years |
The European Space Agency’s new fast-class mission, the first to visit a pristine comet or other interstellar object that has just begun its journey into the inner Solar System.
It will offer a new insight into the evolution of comets as they migrate inwards from the periphery of the Solar System. OHB Italia S.p.A., as prime Contractor, is responsible for the mission analysis, system engineering, procurement, satellite integration & testing, scientific instrument interface & accommodation, communication subsystems.
Under a programme of and funded by the European Space Agency. The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency
Hera is the European contribution to an international double-spacecraft NASA / ESA collaboration for planetary defense. The target is a binary asteroid system, the Didymos pair of near-Earth asteroids. OHB Italia S.p.A. is responsible for System Engineering.
NASA has already performed (in October 2022) a kinetic impact on the smaller of the two bodies with DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test). In 2024, the Hera spacecraft will then perform a high-resolution visual, laser and radio post-impact survey.
The data collected will allow to prepare a planetary defense to safeguard the future of our Planet.
Under a programme of and funded by the European Space Agency. The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency
Succesfully lauched on October 7th, 2024 |
OHB-Italia S.p.A. offers customized solutions for minisatellites: the “M3 platform: Multi Mission Microsatellite” can be tailored to a variety of missions: Earth Observation (optical, radar, AIS), Science, IoT and SIGINT.
The M3 design philosophy merges the best of Microsat and Newspace worlds, it is equipped with radiation tolerant avionics, redundant architecture, using qualified and flight proven equipment selection and CCSDS compliant communication.
OHB-Italia S.p.A. provides the Customer a wide variety of options:
- Platform: Delivery & Training
- Satellite: Complete AIT
- Mission: LAUNCH / LEOP / IOT
- Mission Operations
- Mission Payload Data Center
Payload Envelope up to 12U* |
High Power Generation Capability |
Fine Pointing Accuracy – ideal for Optical Payloads |
Large Delta-V for Orbit Control (EP) |
High Speed Data Downlink (X-band) |
Bus Size: 8U* |
OHB Italia S.p.A. signed with ASI-Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, a “Phase A/B” contract for a technology demonstration mission called SATURN (Synthetic AperTure radar cUbesat formation flyiNg). It consists of a preliminary system study with definition of technical requirements and assessment of critical technologies for a train of 3, 16U-MicroSats equipped with miniaturized SAR instruments.
The main target of the SATURN mission is to demonstrate the key technology “Cooperative Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) Swarms of SAR MicroSats” for innovative, low cost and versatile Earth Observation applications.
SATURN will become the first ever Space SAR MIMO mission. The distribution of the key resources, normally concentrated in a single, large and complex satellite, can be distributed among small-sized and simpler systems, thanks to the proper combination of the signals from each single node of the swarm. Such constellation of swarms deployed on different orbital planes allows high revisit time and high performance independently from the available daylight and cloud cover.
The industrial team is led from OHB Italia S.p.A. is the prime contractor, the subcontractors are ARESYS, POLITECNICO DI MILANO, AIRBUS ITALIA.

Activity carried out under ASI contract.
Earth Explorer Mission of ESA for Biomass and Tropical Forest Observation (distribution, annual changes, links with Earth climate). Essential support to UN treaties on the reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.
It will carry the first P-band synthetic aperture radar, able to deliver accurate maps of tropical, temperate and boreal forest biomass. Five-year mission will monitor at least eight growth cycles in the world’s forests.
Under a programme of and funded by the European Space Agency. The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency
LAUNCH planned in 2024 |