OHB Italia in the shortlist of companies selected by ASI for the “Future Cubesat Missions” tender.

After the ASI technical evaluation OHB Italia ranked in the top three companies for the award of a Cubesat Mission: an excellent result achieved by the whole team composed of OHB Italia as Prime Contractor, Aresys, Airbus Italia and Politecnico of Milano. The technology offered is called SATURN (Synthetic AperTure…...

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LARES2: the massive “ball” to further verify Einstein’s Relativity Theory

The LARES2 System, developed by OHB Italia under the ASI (Italian Space Agency) flag, will be the payload of VEGA C launcher qualification flight scheduled within the end of the current year 2021. The most important part of the payload is the LAser RElativity Satellite 2, known as LARES2, a…...

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Congrats from ASI to OHB Italia for the awarding of Comet Interceptor Contract

ASI formally congratulated OHB Italia on the signature of Comet Interceptor contract last 5th November. The ESA mission will visit a truly pristine object on its first encounter with the inner solar system. OHB Italia’s responsibilities, as prime contractor, are the mission analysis, system engineering, procurement, integration, testing and other…...

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