Flyeye telescope

South Korea TV interested to OHB Italia FLYEYE Telescope

KBS (Korean Broadcasting System) television of South Korea is producing a documentary film on asteroids danger for the Earth and the FLYEYE Telescope was selected as one of the most interesting and more efficient answers to mitigate the risk of an impact for humanity. The video will show to the…...

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Planetary Defence and the cutting-edge Flyeye telescope of OHB Italia on Focus News

On March, 26th, channel 35 ( Focus News ), at 21.15 CET the innovative Flyeye Telescope developed from OHB Italia for ESA/ASI was presented as one of the main players of the current planetary defence plan, during a documentary directed by the famous scientific journalist Luigi Bignami....

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Flyeye Media Event. Press Conference to introduce the innovative FOV Telescope

The Flyeye Telescope is an innovative optical instrument, mimicking the complex structure of a fly’s compound eye. The application of Flyeye will permit to implement an innovative wide survey Earth protection service, for detection of threatening asteroids dangerous for Earth. ESA’s Flyeye Telescope, the first of its kind, has reached…...

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